
Showing posts from October, 2018

The Hidden Dangers of Proposition 10

In a state where the population continues to increase substantially, housing availability has become a pressing issue. Proposition 10-- an initiated state statute on the 2018 ballot, which if passed,  would repeal the Costa Hawkins Rental Housing Act. This statute, enacted in 1995, has placed a limit on rent control throughout California. Prior to the act, local governments were allowed to freely permitted to enact rent control. Looking at California's current situation, the state is in need of housing production rather than protection. Repealing the Costa Hawkins Rental Housing Act and allowing cities and local governments to establish their own control would only limit supply, which is something the state is already struggling with.  In turn, this may also discourage property owners from maintaining units.   While the Proposition aims to protect minorities from experiencing housing termination or displacement, the repeal may potentially result i...

Jovanka Beckles vs. Buffy Wicks: Who's the Best?

The seat for California Assembly District 15 is vacant and two candidates are vying for the position: Jovanka Beckles and Buffy Wicks. They hope to represent the East Bay in the state assembly once elected in November. As a student and as someone who will be entering the adult world I am extremely interested in what they will do as their actions can completely change my life in positive ways and negative ways. They make decisions regarding my taxes, health care and education. In November I will be eighteen and able to vote so I like many people in the East Bay I will have to decide between Beckles and Wicks. I am very happy that both of these candidates want to tackle Housing Crisis. But from what is on both of their websites Wicks has the most detailed housing plan.They both want to increase affordable housing, but only Wicks describes exactly how she will accomplish such goal. I could describe her policy in detail, but that would take three blog posts. Howeve...